The M&S Technologies product line delivers cutting-edge, scientifically validated vision testing solutions for eye care professionals worldwide.

M&S Smart System 2 | 2020: Advanced visual acuity testing with a 22" all-in-one PC. Easy to install, durable, and made in the USA.

Smart System® 2 | 2020

The Smart System 2 | 2020 gives you powerful, state-of-the-art visual acuity testing software in an All-In-One computer (CPU with 22-inch screen) that installs easily in all types of exam rooms, both mirrored and direct. Manufactured in the USA.

There are three types of Smart Systems®. See which works best for you:

The Smart System | VR headset combines portability with the accuracy of our Smart System® software and you get the most versatile vision testing device on the market.

Smart System | VR Headset

Combine the portability of the VR headset with the accuracy of our Smart System® software and you get the most versatile vision testing device on the market.

Clinical Trial Suite | CTS

CTS consists of a variety of visual acuity and contrast sensitivity testing algorithms that seamlessly step the user through the eye charts presented and directly respond to user input regarding correct/incorrect results. Each suite can be customized specifically to meet the sponsors’ study/trial needs.

M&S Bruder Surface Ocular Analyzer (BOSA)

This all-in-one innovative device represents an advancement in dry eye assessment and is poised to be a necessity for eye care practices treating ocular surface disease (OSD), including dry eye syndrome.

Since 1990, M&S Technologies has served Eye Care Professionals

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You may qualify for the ADA Tax Credit – Contact your tax advisor.

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