Smart System 2® | 2020

The Smart System 2 | 2020 gives you powerful, state-of-the-art visual acuity testing software in an All-In-One computer (CPU with 22-inch screen) that installs easily in all types of exam rooms, both mirrored and direct. By manufacturing in the USA, we can produce a durable product with a longer life-cycle, control the quality of the parts, and deliver fast and complete serviceability on each and every unit.

A high-tech, high-value alternative to chart projectors, our computerized vision testing systems are optimized with a wide variety of fully-randomizable charts, contrast sensitivity protocols and multimedia functions to deliver comprehensive and accurate vision testing. We thoroughly understand your desire to provide efficiency in the exam room without compromising exceptional patient care. No other company providing visual acuity systems has more science behind their products than M&S. Our tests, algorithms and protocols have all been tested by key professionals and scientists in the industry and our systems are calibrated to the ANSI and ISO specifications for vision testing. Lastly, the system is recognized by the FDA as acceptable for use in clinical trials.

The All-in-One System delivers a sleek, compact appearance that will streamline the look of your innovative office. Smart System delivers comprehensive and accurate vision testing while providing increased efficiency and throughput in your clinic.

  • Fast processor for improved performance
  • Durable solid-state hard drive for longer life
  • Increased RAM to boost instant video display
  • Large capacity for patient education & fixation videos
  • LED monitor, improved picture, longer life span
  • Lighter weight

Smart System® 2 | 2020

Fully Customizable 7-inch Tablet Controller

20/20 Interfaces with most Automated Phoroptors

Interface with ECHO from Eyemaginations

Contrast Sensitivity Test with Glare Lights

Dynamic Fixation Disparity test

ColorCheck color screening

Worth 4 Dot Fusion test

Patient Education images and videos

Key Features of the Smart System® 2 | 2020 (select one to navigate to it)

  • Customizable Software
  • Integration with Industry Leaders
  • High-Quality Patient Education Videos
  • Technology Integration
  • Smart System Tablet Technology
  • Glare Testing System (GTS)
  • CustomLink™
  • Electronic Low Vision Testing (eLVT)
  • ATS & eETDRS
  • Contrast Testing Validated to the Pelli-Robson charts
  • Sine Wave Grating Contrast
  • Landolt Ring & ETDRS Contrast Testing
  • Protocol One™

Customizable Software

Smart System 20/20 visual acuity software is custom written by our own software developers, a unique feature in the industry. By leveraging the latest multimedia technologies and using input from leading practitioners, the 20/20 provides accurate and reliable performance. The robust design allows for easy upgrades for future enhancements and gives the user the flexibility to quickly customize the layout of the remote control, or tablet to accommodate specific needs. The calibration and set-up screens are clear, easy-to-use and adjustable to any exam room environment. Seamless integration with EHR systems allows the use of just one computer in the exam room! Smart System has been issued several patents and others are pending.