How do I adjust the color on my Worth Four Dot Test?
Plug in a keyboard and mouse and when the eye chart is up, press “z” on the keyboard. In the middle of the screen, click “Worth Four Dot Adjuster” and choose the color you wish to adjust on the Top Left Corner. Move the tab left or right to make the color darker or lighter.
Is Eyemaginations compatible with Smart System?
Eyemaginations ECHO and LUMA are compatible with Smart System on Windows® 7
What format will my DVD’s have to be in order to play in Smart System on the Mac?
MPEG, AVI, MOV, QuickTime.
The image on the screen does not take up the whole screen or it is shifted.
That requires an adjustment to your monitor. Press “select” on the monitor, then press “+” until you get auto adjust. Press “select” then press “reset”
Why are the Videos not looping?
Press “z” on the keyboard to access the configuration screen. Left-click on the Media tab. Make sure that “Loop movies continuously” is checked.
If I convert my own movies, what format will Smart System play?
Any format that the windows media player will play such as AVI, MPEG, WMV, etc. Copy and paste the file onto a flash drive and plug your drive into the CPU. Drag and drop the file into C:\Program Files\MSTEC\Smart System\Media\Movies.
Can Smart System play any DVD available?
Because every DVD has different titles, chapters, and menu options, it is impossible to know how a DVD will play. Click HERE to see the list of current movies that will play on the Smart System. In order to play DVDs, make sure you have the latest update from Smart System and verify that you have a DVD player.
Where can I get an additional copy of my software license agreement and hardware limited warranty?
Additional copies of your M&S end user license agreement can be obtained by calling 1-877-225-6101
Why does my Chart sometimes change letters by itself?
Fluorescent lighting in the room could affect the Infrared signal. Therefore, try it with the lights off. Or, you may have inadvertently hit the cycle button in the middle of the remote. Press any button to stop the cycling.
How do I get to other children’s pictures like the Allen Pictures?
FNC + PX (Gen system only)
I am receiving a message “System Battery Voltage Low”. What battery do I need?
Replace your CMOS battery located inside your computer. You can purchase it at the local store: Part Number CR2032, 3 Volt.
The letters on the acuity monitor looks too big or too small, how do I adjust?
Adjust your screen Resolution to 1680 x 1050 for a 22-inch monitor.
How do you calibrate distance?
Take a ruler and measure the 4-inch square in the calibration screen to 4×4. Measure the testing distance, which is from the bridge of the patient’s nose to the face of the monitor.
Why does Smart System run under the Admin Account, but does not launch under login?
Make sure your Computer Admin provided you with Read & Write access.
Will Smart System support a USB to VGA Graphic Adapter?
Our software will not function with that configuration.
The computer is displaying “System Memory Dump”. How do I solve this issue?
This is a critical error with the hard drive! Contact our technical support at (877) 225-6101 and ask for Tech Support.
Will Smart System support dual monitor on a Mac?
What format will my DVD’s have to be in order to play in Smart System on the Mac?
MPEG, AVI, MOV, QuickTime.
Will Smart System work on a Mac?
Yes, running OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and higher.
At start up, Smart System keeps asking for a Registration Code?
The 30-second delay allows Windows® enough time to load all the drivers.
At start up, Smart System keeps asking for a Registration Code?
If you have registered your computer with us and you keep receiving this message, turn off your computer, disconnect your IR and connect it to another USB port. Restart the computer. If the problem continues, your software may need to be upgraded. Contact our technical support at (877) 225-6101 and ask for Tech Support.
How can I check the software version currently installed on my unit?
Press “z” on the keyboard on the top right-hand corner in bold, red letters.